Welcome to Lambertville MUA

*News Briefs are Listed Chronologically*

North Union Street Pump Station on going Project Information:
NJIB Required Language for N. Union Pump Station Project
North Union Neighborhood Presentation
North Union Street Pump Station Replacement Renderings(3-25-24)
N. Union PS Information Session Notice 3.19.24
North Union PS Exhibits


Notice of Rate Hearing 6.4.24
Notice of Sewer Main CCTV & Jetting: 6.26.23-7.10.23
Special Meeting Held 7.13.23
LN-LMUA Virtual Rate Hearing 7.7.20
LN-Rate Hearing, Zoom Meeting 6.2.20
Notice of Telephonic Meeting 5.5.20
Notice of Telephonic Meeting 4.7.20
Office Closure Memo 3.30.20
028-2019 User Charge Amounts
New Rate schedule for 2019-20

“Biosolids Management and Odor Control” by Howard Matteson, CDM Smith and Tom Horn, Lambertville MUA
*Article found on pgs. 16-19 The Authority View-Winter 2014

“Odor Control” by
‘Howard Matteson, CDM Smith Senior Project Manager and Thomas F. Horn, LMUA Executive Director’
NJ EFFLUENTS. Vol 46 Number 3. Pages 13-15

“A Summer Without Odor Complaints?” ‘Mission accomplished says Lambertville Sewer Authority Chairman’
September 13, 2013

“LAMBERTVILLE-Sewage doesn’t smell as much”
September 12, 2013

“Lambertville Sewerage Authority Votes to Increase Sewer-Connection Fee”
July 10, 2012

“Sewer Linking Fee Hike Gets OK”
July 5, 2012

“Lambertville MUA outlines odor-control project at treatment plant”
May 28, 2012

Letter to Our Residents
May 25, 2012

Dear Lambertville Residents,

On behalf of the Lambertville Municipal Utilities Authority (LMUA), we are updating the citizens of the City of Lambertville on the significant work the LMUA is doing to address odor issues.

In November 2011, the LMUA dedicated the wastewater treatment plant construction project. This $7.4 million project took 21 months to complete and is the largest construction project since the plant was last upgraded in the 1980’s. It has been successful in addressing the plant’s past failure to meet the discharge limits in the LMUA’s discharge permit and to replace and modernize equipment.The equipment in place prior to the construction project was not able to meet the discharge requirements and the facility required a significant investment and upgrade so it could be in compliance with this moving forward. It is important to note that only a small portion of this project was designed to address odors issues.

After this project was completed, the LMUA turned it’s full attention to finding a solution to continuing odor issues. The LMUA developed a plan to investigate specific contributing factors for the odor problem, develop remedies and obtain financing.

In April 2011, the LMUA began the implementation of a $1 million biosolids/odor management plan. This project was recommended by our engineers and was described as the best opportunity to reduce odors. The biosolids project consists of installing a new odor control unit and making modifications to our biosolids processing system. This plan is a 5 phase construction project, 3 of which are already completed – the fourth of which is currently underway. We anticipate that all five phases of this project will be operational in the first quarter of 2013.

In addition to the biosolids program, beginning in December, 2011 the MUA approved, funded and began implementing multiple additional projects – a total of 18 individual projects to be exact, or “action items” – to address odors.

The action items include:

  • installation of inserts in manholes to contain any fugitive odors
  • reinstall mats over various tanks to again contain fugitive odors
  • install a weather station to facilitate our analysis of calls on odors
    temporary monitoring of the two main pumping stations to the plant for pH to facilitate analysis of the potential for odor creation
  • the addition of chlorine to waste material stream for odor control
  • review of plant by our consultant’s odor expert to assist in developing these action items
  • the addition of chemical feed to waste material prior to dewatering for odor control
  • chemical feed to waste stream from dewatering operation for odor control
  • chemical addition to 2 pumping stations for odor control. This is complete for one pumping station, the other will happen shortly.
  • smoke test of the holding tank cover for leaks
  • cleaning various troughs throughout the plant
  • capping the dumpster prior to grit/screenings removal
  • replacement of activated carbon for odor control units
  • addition of magnesium hydroxide to biosolids holding tank for pH control
  • accelerated removal of waste material from the plant
  • overtime for staff to respond to odor calls
  • cleaning by the DPW of catch basins
    building a wall in our waste material processing building to isolate the process area from storage area to improve treatment of the process
  • area air. This project is almost complete.

Since December 2011, 15 of the 18 “action items” have been fully implemented and are operational. With the exception of biosolids construction plan, the remaining items will be operational by the middle of June, 2012.

When completed, collectively this plan represents a $1.2 million investment in odor mitigation – the largest such odor mitigation program in the history of the LMUA. This work has been accomplished without any increase in user fees to the residents of Lambertville for the last two years. Funds for the work are from savings attributed to the wastewater treatment plant construction project and other major efficiencies.

LMUA Chairman Eric Richard and Executive Director Tom Horn have appeared before the Mayor and City council three times since the program began to keep them informed about the progress. We also seek to keep the residents of Lambertville updated and informed as these projects move forward.

As always, if residents have questions or require additional information, please contact us. We also encourage residents to attend our monthly meetings where the odor remediation issues are discussed in greater detail.

Thomas F. Horn, P.E.
Executive Director
Lambertville Municipal Utilities Authority

“Lambertville Welcomes it’s Repaired Sewer Plant”
November 15, 2011

*Should you experience odors that you feel are significant, please speak to us directly at 609-397-1496 Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM or use our toll free after hours HOTLINE 1-888-214-6830. We encourage members of the community to attend our Board meetings.

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